In March 2023, Winchester Food Partnership launched its Good Food Charter at an event at the University of Winchester. The Charter was signed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University and several other organisations and groups at this event.
The Charter is a way of expressing our vision and aims of what the Winchester Food Partnership is trying to achieve. It is also a means of encouraging everyone to come together to work collaboratively, by agreeing with the vision and aims, and making a pledge to help make this vision a reality. We want it to inspire people to take action. The more people that take action, the more that will be achieved. There is a role for everyone to play.
The Charter has three themes – good for people, good for the community and good for the planet, each with their own outcomes, all based around sustainability – economic, social and environmental sustainability. Sustaining the livelihoods of those in the food sector, providing social benefits such as good quality food for all and educational opportunities, protecting the diversity of plants and animals, avoiding contributing to climate change.
Within the three themes are the six key issues that Sustainable Food Places believes need to be addressed in order to achieve fundamental food system change; the issues and themes are all interwoven.

Who is the Food Charter for ?

Do you or your organisation, business or group share our values and vision of creating a healthy and sustainable food culture for people living and working in the Winchester District, regardless of income? Can you pledge to do one or more actions to show your support for a world of good food for all? If you are a food/hospitality business, then the Planet Pledge might be more suitable.

Sign our Food Charter and Make a Pledge

Show your support – read our updated WFP Food Charter and make a pledge online. There are some suggestions for pledges below, or you can use your own; you will know best what you can to make a difference.

Suggestions for Pledges

For individuals

  • Shop more locally at independent stores and restaurants
  • Waste less! Food, packaging, water and energy
  • Buy more sustainable and responsibly sources products
  • Stop buying single-use water bottles – invest in a re-useable bottle and look for opportunities to refill for free
  • Include more plant-based food in your diet
  • Grown your own vegetables and herbs at home or with a group


For Businesses, Organisations and Groups

  • Become a Real Living Wage employer
  • Procure local sustainable and responsibly sourced food
  • Promote plant-based meals at meetings/events you organise
  • Encourage volunteering with local food projects as part of your community engagement
  • Provide opportunities to grow food at work and in the community
We will share what pledges people make (anonymously) in our newsletter and on social media – we’d love you to share your journey on how making changes